How to choose a kindergarten or pre-school overseas

Choosing a nursery, kindergarten or pre-school abroad If you are moving abroad with toddlers / pre-school-age children, you’ll find that helping them adapt is much simpler than moving with

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Flying with a baby

How to survive air travel with a baby Flying with children of any age can strike fear into their parents and the other passengers alike. When you arrive

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Learning resilience from my expat American toddler: Part 2

How an expat child deals with transition In Part 1 of Learning resilience from my expat toddler, I talked about the difficult transition my daughter had when we

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Learning resilience from my expat American toddler: Part 1

How an expat child deals with transition To say my two-and-a-half year old daughter’s transition from Los Angeles to Belgrade was difficult would be an understatement. I have

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Happy travels with young children: Part 3

Steps to happy travels with young children (no matter how long the flight) Shelby continues her invaluable tips for surviving long distance flights with young children; keeping the

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Happy travels with young children: Part 2

Steps to happy travels with young children (no matter how long the flight) Shelby regularly travels with her three children and has learned many ways to keep them

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Happy travels with young children: Part 1

Steps to happy travels with young children (no matter how long the flight) I am strongly contemplating adding a new bullet point to my résumé: I am a

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Jet lag in babies and toddlers

Jet lag in babies This post explains how jet lag affects our bodies. Don’t forget to look after yourself so you’re able to care for your little one

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