What you need to know before you say 'yes' to a move abroad
FREE eBook with 5 essential topics to discuss with your partner before you move abroad.

Why this should be a vital part of your plans

Download this FREE eBook today for your peace of mind, and with conversation openers to help you have these conversations.
By agreeing to get access to this resource you also agree to receive marketing emails from Carole Hallett Mobbs as ExpatChild and Expatability. You can opt-out of these emails at any time. My full privacy policy can be seen here: Privacy Policy
5 essential topics to discuss with your partner before you move abroad
Before you agree to move abroad, and especially if you'll be dependent on your partner for your finances, your visa, your ability to stay in (or leave) that country, and your well-being overseas, you need to be prepared. Properly prepared!
A shocking number of expat assignments come to a premature end – statistics indicate over half of all international assignments fail. Sometimes this can be due to circumstances beyond your control; such as redundancy, political unrest, natural disasters, a global pandemic...
However, sometimes this need to return to your home country comes from a relationship breakdown. And that's when matters can turn nasty.*
Before you agree to move abroad, and especially if you'll be an accompanying partner and have children (or plan to have kids), you need to be prepared.
Properly prepared!
One way to properly prepare is to have certain discussions before you leave your home country, and that’s what this free eBook is all about.
*Further reading on what can happen if you're not prepared before you move abroad with kids
When I first moved abroad, I had absolutely no clue about this rule. It wasn't until I started writing ExpatChild back in 2012 that it became clear.
Since then, I've done my best to share this information as far and as wide as possible, often working with the amazing people at GlobalARRK (who, coincidentally started up at the same time as I started ExpatChild).
GlobalARRK is the only charity specialising in helping stuck parents.
Find out what a 'stuck parent' is - click on the links listed here - so you truly understand why I created this free resource for you.
Free Download
5 essential topics to discuss with your partner before you move abroad
By agreeing to get access to this resource you also agree to receive marketing emails from Carole Hallett Mobbs as ExpatChild and Expatability. You can opt-out of these emails at any time. My full privacy policy can be seen here: Privacy Policy