Expatability Chat – my new podcast

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Introducing the new Expatability Chat podcast!

I can’t believe I’ve done this, but I have. I’m going to hide away for a while now to recover. I’ve started a podcast!

Why am I launching a brand new podcast about expats, global mobility and moving overseas when we are in the middle of a global virus pandemic and no travel, or very little travel, is happening around the world, and nobody knows what’s going to happen next?

Well, firstly, people have been telling me for ages that I should, because apparently I have a nice voice. And the stars kinda aligned a week or so back, so I took the plunge.

I want to share my advice, information, tips and help as widely as possible.

And I simply can’t do videos (much) – they do my head in, I have to think about make-up and stuff. Plus lockdown hair! So, podcast it is.

You can find all my episodes right here on ExpatChild.

Or on your favourite podcast platform

And on my Expatability website, including the transcriptions too, if you prefer to read rather than listen (because, fun fact about me – I don’t listen to podcasts – I much prefer to read, hah!). 

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