Expats and travel insurance

Why expats must consider travel insurance You’re living in a new country, which has opened up all kinds of new places to explore on your vacations. It’s all

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5 top tips for moving abroad with children

We want to help make life easier for expat parents At Cigna Global, we understand that moving abroad with children can be a challenge, and we want to

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Expat family health insurance

Global health insurance considerations for expat familiesPacking up and moving abroad is no small decision. The stress of moving to a new country and leaving your current life

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Thinking baby? Protect yourself and baby with maternity insurance

Expat maternity cover Pregnancy is an expensive process for expatriates; pre-natal check-ups, regular doctor’s visits, the actual delivery and post-natal care… Costs can escalate quickly. Adding unforeseen complications

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Driving overseas

Five crucial things to know about driving abroad Going abroad either for travel or work is an exciting proposition for any family. However, if you’re planning to spend

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Top 5 tips for stress-free immigration

Worried about moving abroad? Moving home is considered to be one of the most stressful life-events that you will experience. Add to that a stretch of ocean, a

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What you need to know about maternity cover

Maternity cover and health insurance Did you know that maternity cover cannot be purchased after you have become pregnant? Too many expectant mothers only discover this when they

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Relocation packages – what you need to know

Planning your move abroad When moving abroad, forewarned is forearmed. You’re probably receiving lots of great advice and hopefully a generous relocation package from your, or your husband’s,

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