English is not enough!

Why you should learn the local language when living abroad If you are living abroad, whether you are a student, an au-pair, or an expat, you will indeed

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Foreign language learning for children

Learning a foreign language as a child Younger children pick up a new language so much quicker than older kids and adults. Learning a foreign language as a

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Ten of the easiest languages to learn…

Which are the easiest languages to learn… for native English speakers? I was fascinated to read this article about the easiest languages to learn for a native English

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How to learn a language online for free

How to learn a foreign language Some people find learning a language easy, others struggle. Some prefer to learn in a formal class while others would rather work

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What are the hardest languages to learn?

Language infographic We’ve looked at which are considered to be the easiest of languages to learn for native English speakers, and also which are the ‘best’ or most

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How to teach a child another language

Kids love learning languages It’s a well-documented fact that young children are like little sponges; soaking up new information, learning at the fastest rate they’ll ever achieve and…loving

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What are language immersion programs?

Immersion programs help children learn languages In an increasingly diverse country and expanding global economy, it’s more important than ever that children be able to communicate in the

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How can children keep language skills when not in daily use?

Help your child retain their second language One of the great advantages of expat life is the opportunity for the children to learn another language. While it isn’t

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The importance of learning the language

Why learn a new language? If you move abroad to a country which speaks a different language, then it’s a fantastic opportunity for you to learn this language.

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Benefits of an expat posting for children

Benefits of an expat posting for children – the parent perspective St. John’s International School recently asked expat parents what they expect to be the main benefits of

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