Expat guilt

Originally published 9th November 2016Updated 23rd August 2021 Are you suffering from expat guilt? Guilt: ‘a feeling of having committed a wrong or failed in an obligation’ Expat-guilt:

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How to cope with emotional overwhelm

Expats and emotional overwhelm Emotional overwhelm is a recognised and very real condition. It’s the state of being caught up in too many emotions all at once; when

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Expat ‘failure’ – what to do if expat life doesn’t work out for you

When expat life doesn’t work out Despite our best intentions, relocations don’t always work out the way we hope and expect. For a whole host of reasons, the

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Decision fatigue

Decisions, decisions, decisions…. For most of us, it starts before we even get out of bed… should I get up straight away or hit the snooze button? What’s

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Expat life – struggling with the little things

Expat day-to-day living can be hard Moving overseas might seem like a huge life decision for most people, but funnily enough often it’s not actually the move itself

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Expats and change fatigue

Expat burnoutHave you had enough of moving house /country every couple of years or so?Do you feel tired all the time?Do you feel like you’re fighting a losing

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Extra challenges for the expat partner

Why being the expat partner makes such a difference Going abroad as a partner is very different from going abroad for your own job. Unlike when you go

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Benefits and challenges of TCK life

Who are Third Culture Kids? This is a link to an interesting article about the experience of being a TCK (Third Culture Kid) published in Psychology Today With

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Causes of Expat Child Syndrome

Expat Child Syndrome – know the causes so you can help your child In my previous post about Expat Child Syndrome, I introduced you to the condition, which

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Expat Child Syndrome

What is Expat Child Syndrome? Expat Child Syndrome, which is commonly shortened to ECS, is a term that is used to describe the emotional stress some children experience

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