When the euphoria wears thin; the 6 month slump When you type ‘6-month slump’ into Google, the first thing you find is lots of information about nursing mums.
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When the euphoria wears thin; the 6 month slump When you type ‘6-month slump’ into Google, the first thing you find is lots of information about nursing mums.
We don’t like being called a ‘trailing spouse’! Let me start by getting something off my chest… the term ‘trailing spouse’ might be a recognised one but that
Expat day-to-day living can be hard Moving overseas might seem like a huge life decision for most people, but funnily enough often it’s not actually the move itself
Expat burnoutHave you had enough of moving house /country every couple of years or so?Do you feel tired all the time?Do you feel like you’re fighting a losing
Why being the expat partner makes such a difference Going abroad as a partner is very different from going abroad for your own job. Unlike when you go
Who are Third Culture Kids? This is a link to an interesting article about the experience of being a TCK (Third Culture Kid) published in Psychology Today With
Expat boredom busters Moving overseas is exciting. It heralds great change; perhaps the hope of a better future. To most families it represents a new start in their
6 tips for dealing with the stresses of moving overseas If you’re considering moving abroad, or are in the process of doing so, you’re probably already aware that
Don’t get stuck overseas Everyone planning to move abroad with kids MUST watch this video before making the move. Basically, as soon as you arrive in a new
Expat Child Syndrome – know the causes so you can help your child In my previous post about Expat Child Syndrome, I introduced you to the condition, which
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