Reaching out to help troubled TCKs

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Where to go for help as an expat

Following the heart-wrenching previous post about a troubled expat child I’ve been truly humbled by the many kind words, comments and offers of help from so many people. Thank you.

In order to give as much help as possible to other parents and children in a similar position – and it seems there are many more than we could possibly imagine – I have gathered a few recommended links, information and randomness here. I’m sure this will grow over the coming days and weeks, so do check back.

Characteristics of typical Third Culture Kids (TCKs)

There are different characteristics that impact the typical Third Culture Kid. Actually, there are lots more characteristics (and many positive ones) but these three seem relevant in light of the previous post.

  • 90% feel “out of sync” with their peers.
  • Teenage TCKs are more mature than non-TCKs, but ironically take longer to “grow up” in their 20s.
  • Lack a sense of “where home is” but often nationalistic. [Source]

The trouble with Third Culture Kids

A poignant article from the Childrens Mental Health Network

The grief of children is often invisible. They are told they will adapt, they are resilient. They are told they’ll get over missing that friend, they’ll get another pet, they’ll have a nicer room in the new house. Their family is rushed; they don’t have time to mourn their losses.

And they are children, and don’t know how to express what they are feeling.

Some mental health professionals call it trauma.

Read the full article here. Written by Nina Sichel, co-editor of the collections Writing Out of Limbo: International Childhoods, Global Nomads and Third Culture Kids (2011) and Unrooted Childhoods: Memoirs of Growing Up Global (2004).

Expat teen support

Sea Change Mentoring provides short-term guidance and professional mentors to third culture kids, global nomads and expat students in high school and university.

YouthCompass is an organisation dedicated to supporting teens on location in international cities by providing opportunities for them to connect weekly as well as engage in local and regional service projects. YouthCompass also supports parents through our “Transition Together” programs and seminars, presented in international cities.

RNG International is an educational consultancy which finds those resources, support, and programs that can help the young person find health and happiness again.

Expat Nest is an online-only, expat-only service which creates a comforting, empathetic environment in which global citizens can feel heard and understood, as well as deal with challenges specific to the international life.

Also, take a look at the Counselling section on The Expat Directory for further resources.

Self harm



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