What is the best age to move abroad with kids?

First published 4th April 2018 Updated 2nd November 2021 Is there a ‘best age’ to move children overseas? This is a very frequently asked question in the expat

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Moving abroad with teenagers

Negotiating the minefield of teen angst To do this tricky subject even the tiniest bit of  justice we first must consider the question we all ask ourselves at

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Causes of Expat Child Syndrome

Expat Child Syndrome – know the causes so you can help your child In my previous post about Expat Child Syndrome, I introduced you to the condition, which

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How to help your expat teen cope with moving

How to help your teenager relocate overseas Being a teenager can be wonderful and testing at the same time. Being an expat teenager can bring additional blessings and

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Keeping track of third culture kids: part 2

While her brothers ‘just’ went AWOL and were soon found again, third culture kid Clara had more dramatic incidents to worry her family about! Emergency overseas Anyway, the

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Keeping track of third culture kids: part 1

Wandering nomads It’s never easy letting go of your children, whatever their age and wherever you live. But when they are still teenagers or young adults and you

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Holidays and teen turmoil

The expat teen Being a teen can be hard. Being an expat teen can be harder. Despite the perception of friends ‘back home’ that life in the vast

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Jet lag in older children

How to help jet-lagged kids This previous post explains how jet lag affects our bodies. Don’t forget to look after yourself so you’re able to care for your

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