Home schooling for expats

Consider home education for your expat kid Increasing numbers of parents consider home education as an option for their children. This is especially true for expatriates who may

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Top ten best languages to study

Top ten best languages to study for business Thinking ahead to the future of your expat child, these are apparently the most important and useful languages to study

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Should homework be banned?

The trouble with homework I was going to write about something totally different today, but three events occurred simultaneously yesterday evening, prompting this post instead. They all relate

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Local schooling overseas

Education and language immersion In July 2007 Kate moved to Switzerland with her husband and two boys who were eight and six at the time. She documented their

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Local school for language excellence

Benefits of educating children in a local school Are you considering putting your child into a local school, where the teaching is conducted in a different language? If

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Questions for choosing schools abroad

Local or international school? How do you decide on a school for your child in another country? There are some extreme views at both ends of this debate,

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Should you send your child to an international or a local school?

How to choose a school overseas Many of the choices we make when choosing which school to send our child to depend upon how long we will be

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Expatriate or immigrant?

Are you an expat or an immigrant? Semantics The differentiation between these terms has sparked considerable debate over the years. A quick Google search on the term ‘expatriate

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