Expat life vs Lockdown life

The culture shock of COVID19 and lockdown life I originally published a shortened version of this on LinkedIn on 9th April 2020 “Nothing is so painful to the

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Settle your child into a new home – quickly!

10 tips to help your child feel at home anywhere The first few days in a new home can be disconcerting. The first few days in a new

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Managing overwhelm when moving abroad

Overwhelmed and inefficient Moving anywhere is stressful. Moving overseas is, just wow! And it’s not like you can just pop back to your home town to cancel a

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The expat ‘six month slump’

When the euphoria wears thin; the 6 month slump When you type ‘6-month slump’ into Google, the first thing you find is lots of information about nursing mums.

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You’ve arrived! Now what?

What to do during the first weeks upon arrival So you moved, now what? You already went through all the stress and preparations and have now safely arrived

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Be prepared for emergencies

What to do as soon as you arrive in a new country As an expat arriving in a new country there are so many new things to learn

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Ten things every new expat needs

What does a new expat need? Moving abroad is a stressful experience and acclimatising to a new culture can take some time. Your first few days in a

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Jet lag in older children

How to help jet-lagged kids This previous post explains how jet lag affects our bodies. Don’t forget to look after yourself so you’re able to care for your

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Jet lag in babies and toddlers

Jet lag in babies This post explains how jet lag affects our bodies. Don’t forget to look after yourself so you’re able to care for your little one

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Jet lag: what is it?

All about jet lag AKA How to deal with children with jet lag when you’re feeling dreadful yourself… Long journeys can be exhausting. Long journeys with children are

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