Culture shock is good for you!

How culture shock benefits you Commonly experienced by travelers, expats and exchange students, “culture shock” describes the impact of moving from a familiar culture to an unfamiliar one.

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10 ways to fall asleep on a plane

How to sleep on a plane Trying to fall asleep on a plane can be one of the most frustrating experiences during your travels. After some serious research we

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Jet lag – how to beat it. An infographic

How to beat jet lag Tips for tackling jet lag before, during and after your flight.    

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Which expat type are you?

10 types of expats People move abroad for various reasons. This chart shows the ten expat types that can occur. Maybe you’ll recognize some of your expat friends

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World expat population – the numbers

Expats around the world: the numbers Published November 2013 This infographic looks at the total expat population around the world. Imagine if all the expats were put together,

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Do you have expat DNA? An infographic

Do You Have Expat DNA? While drifting around the internet recently, I found this rather excellent infographic highlighting the different personality traits of expats. Pretty much says it

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