Do you have expat DNA? An infographic

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Do You Have Expat DNA?

While drifting around the internet recently, I found this rather excellent infographic highlighting the different personality traits of expats. Pretty much says it all, I think!

Breaking down the Expat DNA:

What makes a great expat :

  • The ability to adapt to change – being flexible.
  • Keeping an open mind on the people and cultures that you encounter.
  • Learning & Speaking the local language.
  • Living, eating and going about life like the locals do and enjoying it : Being local.
  • Keen to observe and absorb the sights, sounds, smells and sensations that the world has to offer.
  • Open to new experiences and learning something new everyday.

Bad expat DNA:

  • Doesn’t stop complaining (Language is too hard, people are too rude or different).
  • Prefer to mingle only with expats who are similar to themselves.
  • Not making an effort to try the local foods or adhere to local customs.
  • Lead their lives like they did in their home country: resistant to change.
  • Gets homesick at the first thought of their home country.

Irrelevant DNA:

  • Being a well travelled individual has no bearing on being an expat. First time expats have just as much fun.
  • Have a high paying job – not a prerequisite to leading a fun and happy expat life.

This infographic looks at the DNA structure of an Expat


We have to thank Lindsey for allowing us to create this infographic. We were inspired to make this infographic after we came across her blog on becoming a French Expat. You can find her blog here.

via Feedbacq Blog : Do You Have Expat DNA?

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