Portable careers

Moving overseas with a portable career While some people can move abroad without having to contemplate their career (retirees and lottery winners, for example), the majority of us

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Expats and travel insurance

Why expats must consider travel insurance You’re living in a new country, which has opened up all kinds of new places to explore on your vacations. It’s all

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Expat guilt

Originally published 9th November 2016Updated 23rd August 2021 Are you suffering from expat guilt? Guilt: ‘a feeling of having committed a wrong or failed in an obligation’ Expat-guilt:

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Top 5 Expatability Chat Podcast episodes

Top 5 expat life podcast episodes As at March 2021 Since I launched my Expatability Chat Podcast in the summer of 2020, peak pandemic, it’s become a way

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How to set goals in uncertain times

New Year’s Resolutions, Goals and Plans Happy New Year to all of you! Congratulations on making it to 2021, possibly the most anticipated and longed for year in

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Expat life vs Lockdown life

The culture shock of COVID19 and lockdown life I originally published a shortened version of this on LinkedIn on 9th April 2020 “Nothing is so painful to the

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Repatriation process: when is it time to go home?

How do you know when it’s time to go home? Making the decision to return home after time on international assignment is difficult. Whether you have lived abroad

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How to find the best pediatrician overseas

Helping your child bond with a new pediatrician abroad There are few relationships as important as the one between you, your child, and their pediatrician. Although you hopefully

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5 top tips for moving abroad with children

We want to help make life easier for expat parents At Cigna Global, we understand that moving abroad with children can be a challenge, and we want to

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Expats and mental health

Depression, anxiety and other expat mental health issues As we approach World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2019, I want to draw attention to an aspect of

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