What is the best age to move abroad with kids?

First published 4th April 2018 Updated 2nd November 2021 Is there a ‘best age’ to move children overseas? This is a very frequently asked question in the expat

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How to find the best pediatrician overseas

Helping your child bond with a new pediatrician abroad There are few relationships as important as the one between you, your child, and their pediatrician. Although you hopefully

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Settle your child into a new home – quickly!

10 tips to help your child feel at home anywhere The first few days in a new home can be disconcerting. The first few days in a new

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How to explain an overseas move to children

Helping younger children to maintain well-being in an overseas move Quite often we talk about young children being resilient to change and having the ability to bounce back. There

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Child relocation abroad – the legalities

Moving overseas with kids Families who are looking to relocate abroad, considering a return home or moving on to another country, must be aware of the legal consequences

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International child abduction: An overview

Parental child abduction This article deals with the most common form of child abduction – parental child abduction. A parent is not permitted to make a unilateral decision

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The little legal checklist for moving abroad

Top 10 legal questions to ask before moving abroad We have taken the top ten questions we are asked (although there are many more) to help international families

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How to keep your kids happy on a plane journey

Flying with young children This article was originally serialised in November 2012 and I’ve incorporated it into one post for easy reading. Steps to happy travels with young

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Expat brats

Expat brats: The signs to look out for [A light-hearted look at another type of Expat Child. Republished with kind permission of Marianne via Expat brats: The signs to

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Flying with kids: A risky business

Business class travel with children A highly coveted perk among airline families – the holy grail for many, I know – is being able to travel in business

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