Portable careers

Moving overseas with a portable career While some people can move abroad without having to contemplate their career (retirees and lottery winners, for example), the majority of us

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Domestic abuse and coercive control in expat relationships

“I had to leave my baby in Dubai and return to the UK” July 12th 2023 saw a particularly important Expatability™ Chat Podcast episode go live. In this

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Expat guilt

Originally published 9th November 2016Updated 23rd August 2021 Are you suffering from expat guilt? Guilt: ‘a feeling of having committed a wrong or failed in an obligation’ Expat-guilt:

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How to set goals in uncertain times

New Year’s Resolutions, Goals and Plans Happy New Year to all of you! Congratulations on making it to 2021, possibly the most anticipated and longed for year in

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Christmas, Covid and expat life

Coronavirus Christmas Well, it’s December… what a truly dreadful year 2020 has been. There is no denying that it’s probably been the most difficult year most of us

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Moving overseas: Owning the decision – Part 2

How to make the most of your new expat life This is a follow up to my article back in March where I went off into a rant

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Family law: child maintenance and spousal maintenance

Continuing the series of family law Q&A collaboration between Expatriate Law and ExpatChild. This was originally posted on the ExpatChild Facebook page on 22nd May 2020, and further on

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Family law and financial advice

Continuing the series of family law Q&A collaboration between Expatriate Law and ExpatChild. This was originally posted on the ExpatChild Facebook page on 1st May 2020, and further

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Family law financial advice during the Coronavirus pandemic

Continuing the series of family law Q&A collaboration between Expatriate Law and ExpatChild. This was originally posted on the ExpatChild Facebook page on 24th April 2020, and further

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Family law advice: Domestic violence

Continuing the series of family law Q&A collaboration between Expatriate Law and ExpatChild. This was originally posted on the ExpatChild Facebook page on 8th April 2020, and further

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