Expat education and separated parents

Choosing schools for your children when you no longer live together All mothers have parental responsibility to their children as do most fathers (see footnote). This means that

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Expat divorce

Where do divorce proceedings take place for those who have connections to more than one country? In many instances when a marriage breaks down the spouses only have

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If unmarried expat couples with kids separate

Financial Provision for children of unmarried international couples When unmarried parents separate, the parent with whom the child lives may make a financial claim against the other for

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Cross border family mediation

Mediation in cross border cases concerning children Mediation in children cases can be very successful as it concentrates both parents’ minds on their children and crucially what will

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International contact arrangements

It is very important that children are able to maintain and develop good relationships with both parents and their wider families regardless of the physical distances between them.

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I’m a British Expat; will I be protected by English law?

Legal considerations before moving abroad Expatriate Law Ltd is an English law firm specialising in divorce and family law advice for British expatriates. In this article, Byron James,

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Impact of divorce and separation on children

How to help your child cope with divorce and separation It is estimated that 1 in 3 children in the UK are likely to experience parental separation before

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Travelling with kids – the legalities

Taking your children on holiday abroad With spring in the air this time of year is when people’s thoughts turn to their summer holidays with families and children.

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Expat parents and The Hague Convention

Don’t get stuck overseas Everyone planning to move abroad with kids MUST watch this video before making the move. Basically, as soon as you arrive in a new

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Nobody tells you this about moving overseas with your kids

Expect the best, but plan for the worst “I had to leave my baby in Dubai and return to the UK” Often families receive advice on moving abroad

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