Expats and mental health

Depression, anxiety and other expat mental health issues As we approach World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2019, I want to draw attention to an aspect of

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The expat ‘six month slump’

When the euphoria wears thin; the 6 month slump When you type ‘6-month slump’ into Google, the first thing you find is lots of information about nursing mums.

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Extra challenges for the expat partner

Why being the expat partner makes such a difference Going abroad as a partner is very different from going abroad for your own job. Unlike when you go

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An expat teen in trauma

A mother’s love This is for all expatriates who are struggling as they parent a teen in trauma. It doesn’t matter that statistics quote 25% of teenagers self-harm.

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Help for parents of expat teens in crisis

Advice for parents of teens who self harm What helps us as parents live through a teen trauma and crisis journey? Here’s what I learned: 1. Don’t isolate

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