The trailing spouse and identity

We don’t like being called a ‘trailing spouse’! Let me start by getting something off my chest… the term ‘trailing spouse’ might be a recognised one but that

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When Summer seems to be the hardest word

Summer in expat life In Denmark, we look forward to the summer. We really do. We endure six hour days in December and the sort of vitamin D

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Finding your community overseas

Expats or locals? When you live abroad an important element of your life is your social circle. Here are some of the advantages and drawbacks between being part of

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How to make friends

On friends and friendship as an expat Friendship is incredibly important. Especially for an expat who has to make new friends quickly or suffer a lonely and dispiriting

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Why an expat has to find a new family

Friends are your new family Life as an expat? Is it for you? Does your family understand and realise how much you need them? Where do you call

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Quotes on homesickness and friendship

Friendship quotes Some weekend inspiration for you if you’re feeling a little homesick or are missing your friends and family for whatever reason: Nothing makes the earth seem

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