
Carole Hallett Mobbs in the media

Media and More

Find Carole and in the media, on video and on podcasts. I've also included some other places below where you can find my work.

Please do get in touch if you'd like me to say a few (or many) words!

The Expatability® Chat Podcast

My own podcast series. Started in the middle of lockdown, 2020, because - well, why not?! Available on all main podcast platforms.

What I talk about

Expat life

Moving overseas with children 

the accompanying expat partner

Expat education

And pretty much anything expat-related you want, really! 

Financial Times

'I just want to go home'

How Covid-19 changed expat life

FT Property

How to choose a school overseas
A parent’s view on the key considerations and pitfalls for expats

Black Asia Magazine

Video interview discussing all things expat

The Telegraph

British mum's website is helping expat parents around the world

Expatriate Law

The divorce journey for British expats in Singapore - The challenges of repatriation

'Your Expat Expert's' Podcast

With Tiffanie Kendrick

'Holding the Fort Abroad' podcast

Choosing a split family location

Lindy Chapman

The men and women who are the powerhouses behind the relocated employee

The Japan Times

Former Japan expat starts website for parents mulling move abroad

Foreign & Commonwealth Office

A life abroad is more than bricks and mortar

Who will be here?

I'd love to share my experience and stories with your audience! Let's talk.

will it be you?

If you'd like me to talk with your people, get in touch!

If you'd like me to guest on your podcast, speak to your audience, or pretty much anything else, let's talk!

Get in touch