Carole's Expat World

Because my 'expat world' has grown so much since I originally launched ExpatChild in 2012, I thought it was time I created a single page to hold all the information in one place. So, here are some details and links so you can find out who I am, what I do, where you can find me, and how I can help you with your move and life overseas.

All the quick links to key parts of my expat world!

Carole Hallett Mobbs

Expat Life Mentor and Consultant

Helping expats of all levels of experience build a successful life, career, and family overseas.

Founder of ExpatChild, host of The Expatability Chat podcast.

The Expatability® Club

Your 'one-stop-shop' for succeeding abroad!

Helping expats of all levels of experience build a successful life, career, and family overseas.
The expat community and advice hub where you'll never feel alone or unsupported

1-1 expat advice

Your own personal expat expert, online advice

Book a one-to-one call for my expert expat insight and  personalised advice on any decisions or challenges you may have. Limited spaces, so book quickly to secure my time.

expat resources

Lists, eBooks and more!

I've written a few things!
Apart from all the content on my websites and podcast, I've managed to squeeze out a couple of books and several eBooks and checklists. You can find these here on

Expatability® Chat podcast

Me, talking about expat stuff!
The Expatability Chat Podcast is available on your favourite podcast provider and allows me to go in depth into specific topics about moving and living overseas with kids.

the Expat Directory

An expat business directory

A place for expat-friendly businesses to share their offerings to a tightly targeted audience. The best way to find what you need.

Removal Companies

Find the right company for you

How do you find the best international removal company? How much is a removal company? How do you know you are choosing a reputable firm?

language learning

Learn a new language just by watching TV

The quick, fun and easy way for you and your kids to learn a new language with a dedicated learning TV channel!

Expat Parents Support

Facebook group for expat parents

Free Facebook group for expat support, friendship, advice and information. Chat about expat life. 

Expat Education Book

An Expat's Guide to Choosing a School Overseas

My book. Packed with tips on how to choose the best school abroad, what to avoid, interviews from other expat parents.

Thank you for being here!

Launched in 2012. Home to articles on all aspects of expat life. Created after a very stressful event when I couldn't find easy-to-read info on moving with kids. So, I filled the gap!

Social Media

Let's connect!

I'm on most social media channels, but I'm most active on FacebookLinkedIn and Twitter, with Instagram peeking into my personal life - well the cats' lives, mainly! 

They say...

Thank you for always being so inspiring and spot-on with all you share. I feel you write for me. As a family with 3 kids, travelling as expats with my husband’s work, we absolutely love this lifestyle and it’s actually the only lifestyle our kids know… over the years I have become better to deal with family, friends and parent always asking when we will move ‘home’ again. Sometimes I wonder if it is the right thing, but when I read your articles, I again become very sure it is

Thank you so much! I am so grateful to have found your website.
I am a 100% medically retired American military veteran, and I am looking to relocate my family in search of a better place to live an learn new cultures, language.

Thankfully, I am retired and get a pension. Luckily, I get paid no matter what and would love to relocate with my children and husband.

This website is perfect for planning and asking myself, “Am I doing the right thing?” Thank you!

You always raise such pertinent issues. After moving back home to Australia after 8 years in the US, both our children had significant time in the American schooling system.

One graduated high school and is busy now in University, no worse off. The other had to switch mid-stream from one hemisphere to another, missing a good deal of time, so has been struggling to catch up.

All you can do is your best, to minimise disruption ff you even have any influence over the timing of your move, which most do not.

On the upside, the children have a much more global worldview and are richer for it. Hopefully the catch up period will even out eventually.
I wish I had read more of your articles before I wen to the US, and you provide a great perspective for newbies.

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