Moving Overseas With Kids?

ExpatChild makes moving abroad with children easier for all the family. is full of articles about moving and living abroad with children. And without children. And moving back home again. And everything in-between!

This site simply has lots of practical, honest and useful advice for anyone moving and living the expat life, whether you're a first-time expat or seasoned expat.

expat parent

"Thank you for always being so inspiring and spot-on with all you share. 

I feel you write for me.

As a family with 3 kids, travelling as expats with my husband’s work, we absolutely love this lifestyle and it’s actually the only lifestyle our kids know… over the years I have become better to deal with family, friends and parent always asking when we will move ‘home’ again. Sometimes I wonder if it is the right thing, but when I read your articles, I again become very sure it is."

About ExpatChild

the Beginning was created in 2012 by expat mum and traveller, Carole Hallett Mobbs, as a solution to the then complete lack of useful information online about moving abroad with children.

Its aim is to provide as many expats as possible access to practical, relevant advice in a quick, easy consume format to make the leap into expat life as effortless as possible.

Over the years, ExpatChild has grown to include information on every aspect of expat life, whether you're a parent or not.

We all want our children to thrive as happy, successful and well-adjusted individuals – wherever in the world they happen to live. We’ve been there and we have survived… and, most importantly, so have the kids!

Expat Life Advice

Moving house is a huge step for anyone. Relocating to an entirely different country is even more challenging. Include your children in this adventure and, well… anxieties can become overwhelming.

ExpatChild is here to help. The articles here will help anyone planning to move and live overseas - whether there are kids involved, or not. You’ll find lots of straightforward information written in plain English to help ease any expat life concerns you may have.

Advice is given in a clear and sensible way to avoid confusion and cuts through the jargon and psycho-babble that's often trotted out in these situations.

Advice for All expats

ExpatChild brings together everything you need to know about moving and living overseas as a family. From choosing a school overseas to hiring an international removal company and finding friends at your new destination, it's all here - and much, much more.

Even if you don't have children you aren't forgotten in ExpatChild. Many articles are relevant to anyone moving abroad and living the expat life.

There is real expat life guidance here - not sugar-coated clichés and platitudes. Expat life can be tough and that is acknowledged on ExpatChild, as well as the tips and tools to make your expat life a dream come true.

No matter where you are from, or where your next move takes you, ExpatChild is here for you. From home to away, and back again!

Carole's Expat World!

Since launching ExpatChild in 2012, I've been pretty busy creating new and exciting ways to help even more expats!

ExpatChild is now 'partnered' with my other site, Expatability; each offering different experiences. 

Here are just some of the different ways you can find more advice and support as you live your wonderful expat life. For more details on how you can get my personal expat expert help, please check out my Work With Me page. And you can find even more links here.

1-1 Personalised Support

Want someone to brainstorm anything expat with you? 

Offering various 1-1 options so you can get expat expert advice when needed.

The Expatability® Club

The Expatability® Club - the expat community and advice hub where you'll never feel alone or unsupported.

Your 'one-stop-shop' for succeeding abroad! Helping expats of all levels of experience build a successful life, career, and family overseas.
Find out more and join today!

Expatability® Chat Podcast

The Expatability® Chat Podcast is here! 

Get my ramblings and expert expat advices right in your ears.

Expat Resources

Checklists? Books? Masterclasses?

Discover a ton of expat resources to ease the stress of your move overseas.

Danielle Hayduk

1-1 Client

"I grew up in France, but had lived in the States for the past 40 years. So when I decided to go back to France, not wanting to feel like I stepped out of a time machine, I figured it might be a good idea to get some professional advice - as they say, you don’t know what you don’t know.

When I spoke to Carole I took out my list of four questions, so easily answered, then I let her guide me to what I really needed to know. My consultation with her allowed me to make a game plan which became an easy roadmap to navigate - that is as easy as French red tape can be.

Since I’ve been in France, I’ve heard many stories about nightmare consultants quick to have you cough up money but never deliver.

My advice: stick to a professional and let Carole do her magic, she knows her stuff.

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