
Category: Expat kids


Moving abroad with children

What to consider when moving overseas with kids Moving abroad with your children can be an enr..


Books for parents raising expat children

Books about TCKs (Third Culture Kids) and Expat Children In a previous article I recommended b..


Parental Child Abduction – Australia

What is parental child abduction Parental child abduction refers to when one parent takes or r..


The most useful apps for expat kids

The most useful apps for your expat child In a world where almost everything can be achieved d..


How to tell your child you are moving abroad

Preparing your children for an overseas adventure Moving overseas is a big decision – moving..


Which school abroad?

School options overseas When moving abroad with children, the main decision you will make is w..


Jet lag in babies

How to help your jet-lagged baby One of the biggest worries that any parent faces when moving ..