


Choosing a kindergarten or nursery for your expat child

Choosing early years education overseas We’re often told that children who spend time in a n..


When you don’t want to move overseas

What if you really don’t want to move abroad? Your partner has been offered this amazing jo..


Flying with children

 “Are we nearly there yet?” Let’s be honest – the first 3 or 4 times they ask this (u..


How to tell your child you are moving abroad

Preparing your children for an overseas adventure Moving overseas is a big decision – moving..


Which school abroad?

School options overseas When moving abroad with children, the main decision you will make is w..


Jet lag in babies

How to help your jet-lagged baby One of the biggest worries that any parent faces when moving ..


10 tips on choosing the right school abroad

How to choose the right school abroad Choosing the right school for your child is one of the b..


Surviving culture shock!

Culture shock: what it is and how to cope with it Excitement, preparation and planning have ca..


5 things to do on arrival in a new country

What to do on arrival in a new country The plane’s landed, you’ve found the taxi rank and ..


Jet lag – what it is and how to cope

Jet lag and how to survive it Possibly the worst part of travelling across big expanses of our..