
Category: Education


How does expat life affect your child’s education?

Does moving between schools damage your child's education? Extracted from my book, 'Expat Educ..


The most useful apps for expat kids

The most useful apps for your expat child In a world where almost everything can be achieved d..


Your school search overseas – Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs abroad When you are moving abroad with children, choosing a school i..


International schools – The best option for expats?

Why choose an international school Education is one of the most important considerations when ..


Home educate your expat child

Homeschooling your expat child When you are an expat family with children, you want to ensure ..


How to help your child with a change of school

5 tips to help your child settle in a new school If you’re a parent moving overseas with you..


Language learning and children

How children learn a second language Years ago, it was thought that teaching your young child ..


Choosing a kindergarten or nursery for your expat child

Choosing early years education overseas We’re often told that children who spend time in a n..


Which school abroad?

School options overseas When moving abroad with children, the main decision you will make is w..


10 tips on choosing the right school abroad

How to choose the right school abroad Choosing the right school for your child is one of the b..