
The English Education Claimed

School Search and Placement

School Search and Placement

The English Education offers expert and impartial advice to clients from all over the world who seek to send their children to UK independent schools.

We provide the highest quality personalised service, working closely with parents to ensure that the right school is chosen for each child.

The English Education’s Guaranteed and Bespoke Placement services both offer a quality of advice and consultancy so rare in the world of placement support for international and overseas families, in that the core management team of The English Education has over thirty years of experience of leading and inspecting schools. The English Education school search and placement services is part of  Constellation Group, an education consultancy formed in 2019 by former independent school Headmasters, John Milne and Jimmy Beale. We are education advisers, not agents. Our independent and expert assessment of a child’s individual needs, coupled with deep-rooted knowledge of the UK independent boarding sector, will lead to the right child being placed in the right school.

We do this by constantly striving to meet the following aims:

A focus on student wellbeing

The English Education is committed to promoting and supporting school placement services with a clear focus upon each applicant’s well-being and future success.

A transparent process

The English Education Guaranteed will assure placement into one of our member schools, selected from the very best British boarding schools for international students, dependent upon the applicant passing through our initial assessment. Fees and charges are transparent and fair – we set a flat rate fee for services and ensure impartiality throughout every stage of the recruitment process.

A tailored service

The English Education Bespoke offers a tailored service to families seeking individual support as they seek a place at a top UK independent school. The scope of services will depend upon, and be adapted to, the needs of individual families.

Expert assessment

Our only interest is securing a child’s place at a school that will maximise their chances of success and happiness, where they will grow in confidence whilst being challenged and nurtured. We spend time getting to know families and children, and our knowledge of UK boarding schools is comprehensive and up to date.

An excellent match into one of the very best British boarding schools for international students

Schools will have access to overseas and international pupils who have been assessed and whose academic, pastoral and extra-curricular needs mean that application to chosen schools is, in the opinion of The English Education’s expert consultants, a good match for both pupil and school.

Overseas and expat families considering sending their children to UK independent boarding schools require professional, in-depth and expert support – at The English Education we take great pride in working closely alongside parents as they make one of the most important decisions of their child’s life.


Q Will we get to speak to a consultant?

The English Education offers a free initial consultation, which, if it cannot take place face-to-face, will be held over Zoom / Skype etc. Once the scope of services has been agreed, regular meetings will be held with the relevant consultant with the aim of the consultant to develop a relationship based upon knowledge of individual family circumstances and trust in advice and decision making.

Q What age children does The English Education work with?

At The English Education, we place international and overseas pupils into boarding schools in the UK.
The English Education Guaranteed will place into Year 9 (13+) and Year 12 (16+) although some senior schools will accept applications at the start of Year 10.
The English Education Bespoke will place children into the right school for the right child, with children having been accepted for boarding places at 8+ and all years thereafter.

Q What is the right timescale for application?

The earlier the better. As a general rule applications for September will be encouraged at the start of the previous academic year, with the more selective schools conducting entrance procedures, including tests and interviews, during October and November, with places confirmed by the end of January.
As might be expected, the later the application the more limited will be the choice of schools, although last minute applications are always possible, depending upon individual circumstances.

Q Is a co-educational or a single-sex education right for my child?

This depends entirely upon the child, their character and their style of learning – some boys and girls thrive when learning and growing with their own gender, whereas others need to be in a co-educational environment. There is no one school that suits every child, let alone one system.

Q What other support will we need?

If you live abroad, it will be a requirement of all schools that you appoint a Guardian. If you do not have a family member permanently resident in the UK, you will need to source an appropriate adult / guardianship company to act as guardian, to be an emergency contact and to help communicate with the school. If overseas families require such help and advice, or support with online tutor services or advice regarding visa matters, The English Education works highly reputed partners.
